Staying Connected While Physically Apart

These past couple weeks have been quite a whirlwind! Every day we have new information and big changes and we are now all “sheltering in place”. At The Practice Space, where all of our programming is done in person and often in schools, we are adjusting, like so many, to how we can serve our community under the current conditions. We are lucky to have such a wonderful team who are getting very creative about how to continue our important work and stay connected in this challenging time. 

Although the situation is confusing and quickly evolving, we are still very committed to our community and mission. The work might look different for a bit but will still center on building confident communities through communication skill development, advancing inclusion and elevating underrepresented voices. Our stories and voices are much needed right now. We will have to get creative about how to bring people together, and create safe spaces where people feel cared for and listened to while physically apart. What a new and interesting challenge! 

It’s important to us that we feel connected to each other in light of social distancing, and continue to get to know each other. We want to stay in touch with our community and we thought a good place to start will be for each team member to share a little more about ourselves, especially about the question, “What small steps are we taking to express ourselves at home?” 

We will be posting each of our responses to this question on social media. We’d also love to hear from you! Will you share your response to this question with us? Email us a short response (nothing fancy or polished!) to one of these questions:

What small steps are you taking to express yourself at home? How are you keeping your spirits up?

Watch Nancy’s video and see below for examples!

What To Send Us: 

  • Submit a picture or video: it can be of yourself or of what you’re currently during at home. 
  • An intro line with action being taken:

Hi, everyone! My name is Nancy, I am the Digital Strategist for The Practice Space and I miss seeing updates from you, my community. During this time I wanted to share with you all what I enjoy doing to keep my spirits up from spending so much time at home, and that is… drum roll please! Writing in my journal what I’m thankful for! I want to hear about you now, what are you doing to keep your spirits up?

Examples of Things You Might Be Doing: 

  • Cooking for my loved ones 
  • Writing (online blog, notebook, a letter, etc.) 
  • Singing
  • Calling/texting my loved ones 
  • Podcasting 
  • Having dinner with a loved one
  • Playing board games 
  • Practicing my public speaking/presentation skills 
  • Writing down my favorite recipes 

We will be sharing our stories on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We hope to connect with you there! We will be offering different opportunities to connect and share your voice, and we hope you share with us your small steps of self-expression!

Email us your response at: admin (at) practice-space (dot) org


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