Youth Aloud Podcast S3E1: The Slow Scramble Towards Self-Improvement

In light of COVID-19, we’re taking a step back to reflect and think about what we can still do while in quarantine. In this episode of Youth Aloud, we’ll be focusing on the self improvements and small steps that we can take, even today. You’ll be hearing from the Loma Vista Science Academy Debate Team, and AnnMarie Baines, the founder of the Practice Space. 

I learned how to speak in front of people. Because usually I don’t speak a lot, but then once I joined the speech and debate team I started speaking a lot to people which taught me that I had a voice.

-A Debater at the Berman Invitational Tournament 

Oftentimes, we can feel as if we’re out of control, and that is especially true now when we have so many restrictions on where we can go, what we can do, and who can see. In this episode we try to show how we can still focus on small things we can do to make progress in our own way, and have a voice.

“I think since I began speech and debate I’ve improved a lot, and with each tournament that you go to, it really helps you improve because you get to see people who are better than you, people who are at your same level, and it’s really great practice.”

-Elohiym, Loma Vista Science Academy Debate Team

Also, check out what The Practice Space team is doing to take small steps of self-expression, including our Executive Director, AnnMarie Baines! And if you haven’t heard the previous two seasons of Youth Aloud, you may want to check out these related episodes: Who Are We?, Youth Voice Matters, and How to Find Your Voice.


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