
Practice Packages

Practice Packages help get you started with public speaking!

We all have different public speaking needs and interests, so we put together some “Practice Packages” with bundled resources targeted to help you address specific public speaking needs and personal challenges.

Get Ready for Your Job Interview

Job interviews are one of the most important times to relax and be yourself, but that is definitely easier said than done! Practice your responses and get feedback before you have to step into that high-stakes, nerve-wracking situation.

What Am I Doing With My Hands?

We all know this feeling, this wandering thought that strikes us during a speech—what am I doing with my hands? Here we learn how to use effective body language that drives our message forward during public speaking.

Combating Public Speaking Anxiety

The first step towards improving your skills is awareness. Use this package to help you get to the root of why you experience fear during public speaking. You then can use this knowledge to build your next steps.

Confidence in the Classroom

Do you struggle to voice your opinions and advocate for yourself in educational settings? This package will be helpful to those who want to be able to confidently talk to teachers, students, and others at school. You will begin to understand how to challenge issues that you feel are important in the classroom.

Speaking Clearly and Boldly

Are you afraid of judgment? Or of being misunderstood when expressing yourself or talking about your opinions? If so, this is the package for you! These tools can help you to feel confident in engaging in debates and expressing your perspective.

From preparing for job interviews to suggestions for anxiety-coping, each package contains a mixture of free or paid resources related to each need. We also have packages specific to helping educators and families facilitate improved communication skills for students in online learning and at home!

Types of Resources Available:


Free Curriculum

Since we have a lot of curriculum, we have hand-picked the resources that specifically relate to your needs.


Media Resources

Each package includes links to free videos and podcast episodes produced by The Practice Space.


Private Lessons

If you would like to pay for additional assistance, you can add private lessons to your package, where a coach works with you one-on-one to deepen your skills. If you register for this option, a coach will reach out to you to schedule lessons according to your schedule.


Support Group

If you would like more practice, you can register to attend our support group sessions, where you join others who are working on their public speaking skills, practice your skill, and receive feedback. If you register for this option, The Practice Space will follow up to see which sessions you plan to attend.

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