Let’s Talk About Gender – Youth Aloud Podcast Episode 6

This episode is about gender identity and people’s struggles to understand and express gender. You’ll hear from our field reporters Sophie Ciurlik-Rittenbaum and Robson Swift, who interview transgender teens about their experiences with gender expression and coming out, reflecting on how different people relate to gender.

“Gender is a double edged sword. You can use it to assert yourself in a powerful and undeniable way, yet it can be used to cut you down, limit your selfhood and your expression…My main wish with gender is that it’s not seen as a dichotomy that you either choose one or the other, but as a set of characteristics or a set of ways you can express yourself.”

-Robson Swift

Hear from transgender and gender nonconforming teens who share their personal stories and perspectives on gender. This is a great episode! Hope you enjoy!


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