Happy National Nonprofit Day from The Practice Space!

Happy National Nonprofit day! National nonprofit day is dedicated to recognizing the goals and positive impacts nonprofits have on communities and the world. As a newer nonprofit organization, The Practice Space believes in building steady and ongoing connections to our community. To help us celebrate national nonprofit day, here are a few ways that we at The Practice Space would love your support:

  • Donate! 
    • Donations allow us to offer scholarships to our programs, help us support our local speech and debate teams in paying for expensive tournament fees, facilitate our summer coaches program for high school and college students to gain valuable work experience, and more! Click here to head to our donations page.
  • Help us spread the word!
    •  Do you know somebody who would be interested in growing their skills in debate, storytelling, poetry, and more? Or are you part of an organization interested in storytelling and self-advocacy  workshops? The Practice Space offers year-round programming for youth ages 8-18 and adults of all ages, as well as custom workshops, private lessons, educator coaching, and a variety of events. We will begin announcing our online and in-person fall programs in mid-September, and would love to see you, your friends, and your family in one of our programs! 
  • Volunteer with us!
    • We are looking for volunteers to join our listener community! Please indicate your interest on our volunteer form, if you are someone who is interested in providing advice and productive feedback to our youth and adult speakers, we would welcome you to sign up to be:
      • Tournament judges for speech and debate competitions
      • Rubric evaluators on video-submitted feedback
      • Guest speakers during programs
    • We also welcome volunteers who are interested in:
      • Spanish translation for our program materials
      • Writing for our blog
      • Editing videos
      • Supporting our podcast 
    • If you indicate your interest in volunteering, we will put you on our volunteer list and will reach out to you directly when you are needed, with sufficient notice.
  • Stay in touch! 
    • Hoping to stay up to date on all that we have going on at The Practice Space? Follow us on social media! The Practice Space is active on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin, where we post everything from information on upcoming programs to educator resources, examples of student work, and more. Our username is @TPSnonprofit across all platforms. We also have our own blog page on our website!
    • Please join our mailing list to receive monthly email updates on our programs and offerings!

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